The purpose of our reviews is to direct the reader to books that contribute to the broader disciple making endeavors of the church. The review (500-2000 words) is to help potential readers understand how the book will contribute to their ministry, especially those in North America or which have a large cross-cultural base. A clear statement of how the book is applicable is highly desirable.
Begin with an attention-getting opening to grab the reader and state the central problem or issue in a broad ministry context.
At least half of the review should be a succinct overview of the contents. Don't try to cover everything. Strip it down to its essence. The remainder of the review should be split between what the reviewer liked/disliked (including possible suggestions) and a description of the most appropriate audience for the book.
Especially note the author's contributions which are new. We want fresh insights. How does he or she inspire us, help us solve a problem, think biblically, work strategically, or serve effectively?
Specify who will benefit the most from the book.
You may include anything you think the author has missed or stated wrongly that is important. But no nit-picking, please. We want to motivate people to read a book that will help them improve their ministry, not provide a critique that is primarily academic.
Use a lively style and tone. Be upbeat. Keep sentences short. Use short, simple words. Since the GCRJ is multidisciplinary journal, avoid academic or technical vocabulary understood only by specialists in a specific field.
When referring to someone by name, use first and last name for the first occurrence.
When using an abbreviation, spell it out the first time followed by the abbreviation in parentheses for later use as an abbreviation.
When quoting the book use just a page number in parenthesis, for example (3).
Use the latest edition of APA for style and references
Include a one-sentence bio of yourself.
Spring reviews are due to knehrbass@calbaptist.edu by January 15. Fall reviews are due July 15.
Length: 500-2000 words in the main body of the review. Do not include bibliographic and reviewer information in the word count.
​Book reviews may be edited for style and length.