Ryan Bunbury
Higher Level Ministries
Seattle, WA
Services provide and encourage health, unleash hope, and inspire faith for plateaued and declining churches to start growing again.
Jason LaLonde
Chicago, IL
Helps churches plant churches in the hidden communities of their context in order to engage the under-reached and under-resourced.
Chris Calvert
Church Assistance Ministry
Mead, WA
Provides expertise and support in the areas of Staff Development and Transitions as well as Church Organizational Health. Special focus areas include effective retention of guests and volunteer empowerment across church ministries.
Rev. Dr. Brad Miller
Ankeny, IA
Helps with church growth and health, as well as transition and interim.
Dr. Barry Giddens
Chesed Church Growth Consulting
Savannah, GA
Specializes in diagnosing issues and creating a strategy to address potential issues, developing healthy church systems, evaluating community demographics, improving community involvement, and much more.
Peter van Duinen
Ontario, CA
Peter has a passion to see churches thrive as they fulfill their mission and achieve their vision in their unique contexts.